Slow Flowers

Tuesday Market by Melissa Garcia Parry

Tuesday Market.jpg

We've been taking part in Tuesday Market for the last month and love the chance to enjoy the totally different feel of downtown Eugene on a weekday. Tuesday Market is predominately booths from Lane County Farmer's Market so there is a great array of produce and food. A small but dedicated group of us Saturday Marketeers come and fill in the gaps selling handmade crafts/homegrown wares. We set-up as Howl and Whistle Flower Farm, usually on Oak Street, with our locally grown seasonal flowers and a selection of Whistle Post Pottery ceramics. Our pottery selection on Tuesdays is smaller than Saturdays so if you're heading down on a Tuesday with a particular piece in mind email us first to check availability and make sure we bring it.  

Tuesday Market runs from 10 am to 3 pm every Tuesday now through Halloween.

Howl and Whistle Flower Farm by Melissa Garcia Parry

Dory and Frida with the Snapdragons

We have a side project, we have Howl and Whistle Flower Farm. Why not? All that time outside digging and sowing has finally paid off and we're rich in flowers. We're keeping it chemical free, local and small scale. You can find our flowers sharing space with our pottery at Booth 133 Eugene Saturday Market.